Cambodia | Angkor Wat | Killing Fields | Video

I didn’t take many videos in Cambodia, probably because it was so hot that my phone was over heating! Cambodia was all about the temples and devastating history for us. After the plethora of temples in the mid-day sun (Angkor Wat), we went out in Siem Reap which Ian and I weren’t too keen on as it was geared up for tourists and felt very fake. We didn’t hang around in Siem Reap for any longer than needed (unfortunately, Ian and I had a bad tummy bug confining us to our room for a few days) before moving on to Phnom Penh to see the Killing Fields (WHICH HAPPENED IN THE LATE ’70’s!) and the Khmer Rouge museum. I didn’t want to video the sites at the killing fields or the museum apart from the showcase at the end which was heartbreaking enough.


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